Smart Communities Maine is a network of Maine municipalities, regional agencies, nonprofits, private companies, developers, and universities converging around the need to address smart infrastructure development opportunities at a regional scale. The aim of the initiative is to both develop local capacity to design place-based strategies that reflect community priorities to inform smart infrastructure investments, public policy, and economic development partnerships.
Smart Communities Maine is powered by Fourth Economy Consulting - a national leader in equipping change agents with the tools to build better communities and stronger economies.
What is SMART Infrastructure?
Smart infrastructure is broadly regarded as the integration of digital information technologies within the physical, built environment to optimize citizen experience, sustainability, and public system performance. Examples include everything from controllable LED streetlights that use less electricity; to traffic light sensors to improve traffic flow; to shared data platforms to help optimize transportation systems, multi-mobility planning, and transit oriented development.
The “Internet of Things” serves as a useful illustration of how all devices, infrastructure, mobility systems can be integrated to not just augment quality of life but serve as the foundation for a new economic paradigm.

Stay tuned!
